Mastering Polymorphism with Abstract Classes: Avoiding Inheritance Pitfalls

Some abstract art

What’s the problem?

You have different but related classes that only differ in some parts of their implementation, and you want to use them interchangeably. You can solve this by setting up a class hierarchy with inheritance. We would call this polymorphism, where different classes can be used in places because they have the same interface (set of methods).

However this can have some drawbacks. For example, how does a developer know which methods on a class need to be overridden and which can be kept as is? And even worse, what if one of the sub classes has a mistake and "overrides" a base method that doesn’t exist?

How can it be solved?

By using abstract classes, which can explicitly mark methods that need to be implemented by subclasses. Abstract classes with abstract methods can’t be instantiated, which means you’ll get an error instead of using the wrong implementation. Unimplemented methods will be detected at runtime, but can also be found by mypy (check out my post on type hinting for more information about mypy), which means you can detect a whole class of problems before they hit production.

Now that we have a high level overview of the fix, let’s first dive deeper into how problems can manifest when not using abstract classes. We’ll look at a simple class hierarchy in a program that uses "normal" inheritance.

Inheritance without abstract classes

Let’s look at a simple example you might use a class hierarchy for: to represents different shapes that can calculate their own area. This starts with a Shape base class which defines a get_area() method. This method on the base class doesn’t do anything though, it just raises a NotImplementedError.

class Shape:
    def get_area(self) -> float:
        raise NotImplementedError()

NotImplementedError is a built in Python exception. This could be used to emulate abstract classes in older versions of Python, but with the introduction of abstract base classes it’s redundant, at least for this purpose.

Then we an define classes to actually implement the area calculation. First, there’s a Square class. Hopefully you remember from geometry that the area of a square is its side length, squared. Here it is:

class Square(Shape):
    def __init__(self, length: float) -> None:
        self.length = length

    def get_area(self) -> float:
        return self.length ** 2

Using it is pretty easy:

s = Square(5)

Which outputs 25.

Next, a Circle class. The areas of a circle is π * r^2 (pi times the radius squared). Note that there is an intentional mistake in this class:

from math import pi

class Circle(Shape):
    def __init__(self, radius: float) -> None:
        self.radius = radius

    def area(self) -> float:
        return pi * self.radius ** 2

Notice that class defines an area() method instead of get_area(). A mistake that could be quite easy to make. This mistake is not picked up by mypy:

c = Circle(5)
$ mypy
Success: no issues found in 1 source file

It makes sense that mypy doesn’t find this mistake, since the Circle.get_area() method does exist, on the base Shape class. mypy just doesn’t know that all it does is raise an exception. Which of course, only shows up at runtime:

$ python
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Users/ben/", line 34, in <module>
  File "/Users/ben/", line 30, in main
  File "/Users/ben/", line 6, in get_area
    raise NotImplementedError()

Which could happen in production!

Before looking at how abstract classes can solve this problem, let’s first talk about why we want to have the shared base classes at all: polymorphism.

Shared base classes and polymorphism

Polymorphism is a term that describes different types (classes) having the same interface (methods). This means that the classes can safely be used interchangeably which can cut down on code, including the code to do type checking.

Now that we have some Shape classes we want to be able to use them to calculate the total area of all the shapes, perhaps to know how much material we would need to cut them out.

Some code to work out the total areas of a list of shapes might be implemented a simple for loop with a running total, like this:

def get_total_area(shapes: typing.List[Shape]) -> float:
    total_area = 0

    for shape in shapes:
        total_area += shape.get_area()

    return total_area

We have specified that the shapes list only has Shape objects in it. Since the Shape object specifies a get_area() method, we know (and type checkers and IDEs also know) that it’s safe to call get_area() on each object.

We could define some shape classes without using a Shape base class if we wanted:

# some methods trimmed for brevity
class Square:
    def get_area(self) -> float:
        return self.length ** 2

class Circle:
    def get_area(self) -> float:
        return pi * self.radius ** 2

# assume these classes also implement `get_area()`
class Triangle:
    # snip

class Rectangle:
    # snip

class Trapezoid:
    # snip

But then for proper type checking, our type hints start to get out of hand:

def get_total_area(
    shapes: typing.List[
) -> float:
    total_area = 0

    for shape in shapes:
        total_area += shape.get_area()

    return total_area

And of course, this list of shapes only gets longer as you add more. Plus, you have to repeat this type definition every time a list of "shapes" is used. It’s a maintenance nightmare.

Hopefully now you can see the benefits of base classes to support polymorphism. Let’s get back to abstract classes in Python. Next we’ll see how to define abstract classes using the abc module.

Easy as abc

OK, I’m sure every single person who’s written about abstract base classes in Python has made that joke… But the abc module really is that simple.

To mark a class as abstract, just have it inherit from the abc.ABC class. Here’s our update to the Shape base class to make it abstract.

from abc import ABC

class Shape(ABC):
    def get_area(self) -> float:
        raise NotImplementedError()

In some programming languages, abstract classes can’t be instantiated. Not so in Python! With the above implementation, Shape can be instantiated just fine, mypy raises no errors, and we’ll still get NotImplementedError at runtime.

How do we get enforce "proper" abstract classes? We need to make use of the method decorator abc.abstractmethod. Under the hood, ABC has the checks in place to prevent instantiation, but they’re only applied when decorated methods are found on the class.

We’ll update the get_area() method to have this decorator. At the same time, since this will stop the class from being able to be instantiated, raising NotImplementedError is no longer necessary. We can replace the method body with just pass.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

class Shape(ABC):
    def get_area(self) -> float:

Now look at what happens when Shape tries to get instantiated:

>>> s = Shape()
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class Shape with abstract method get_area

This runtime check may be more useful than raising NotImplementedError, as it’s raised as soon as the class is instantiated instead of when the method is used, so it’s likely to be picked up earlier. However, this error will be found even earlier by using mypy.

It should be noted here, that not all methods on an ABC must be abstract, there can be non-abstract methods too, which can call even call abstract methods. We’ll return to this concept with an example a bit later.

Let’s just quickly revisit the Square and Circle classes – note that since they both inherit from Shape, and that has been updated to be abstract, no changes have been made to these classes.

Quick aside: what’s the opposite of abstract? In programming terms, it’s concrete. That is, Shape is an abstract class, but Square and Circle are both concrete classes.

To refresh your memory, here are the concrete classes:

class Square(Shape):
    def __init__(self, length: float) -> None:
        self.length = length

    def get_area(self) -> float:
        return self.length ** 2

class Circle(Shape):
    def __init__(self, radius: float) -> None:
        self.radius = radius

    def area(self) -> float:
        return pi * self.radius ** 2

And just a reminder, Circle still incorrectly implements area instead of get_area. But luckily, that mistake can be detected with mypy now. All we need to do is have some code that tries to instantiate Circle, and it outputs this error:

$ mypy error: Cannot instantiate abstract class "Circle" with abstract attribute "get_area"  [abstract]
Found 1 error in 1 file (checked 1 source file)

Because get_area() was not overridden in the concrete class, it’s still considered abstract and the error is shown. Hopefully this triggers someone to rename the area() method to get_area(), and everything will be right in the world.

We’ll close this post by talking about the explicit information granted by abstract classes and methods.

What abstract methods tell you (and other programmers) about a class

If we only work with concrete classes, we’re kind of in-the-dark in terms of separation of responsibilities when creating subclasses. For example, let’s revisit the idea of cutting shapes out of material. We want to know how much each shape costs, which is equal to the cost of the material per area, times the area. This cost calculation doesn’t change based on the type of shape, just on the area. We can therefore create a get_cost() method on Shape like so:

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from math import pi

class Shape(ABC):
    def get_area(self) -> float:

    def get_cost(self, cost_per_area: float) -> float:
        return cost_per_area * self.get_area()

The get_cost() just takes the cost of the material per whatever the area is (which could be square metre or square foot, whichever you prefer) and multiplies it by the area of the shape to give the total cost of the shape. Note that this method is not abstract. Concrete methods can call abstract methods because:

  • A class without concrete overrides of abstract methods can’t be instantiated.
  • Therefore a class must have implemented the abstract methods once instantiated.
  • And following from that, calling a method that was abstract is perfectly fine as it must no longer be abstract once on a concrete class.

To give an example of it in use, at $5/square metre, how much does a 3m x 3m square cost?

>>> s = Square(3)
>>> s.get_cost(5)

As someone who is working on a new Shape subclass, what do these method decorators tell me?

I know that the only methods that must be overriden are the abstract ones. The original developer has given me a clue the get_cost() is the same calculation regardless of the type of shape, whereas get_area() is different and should be implemented for each subclass. That’s not to say that get_cost() can’t be implemented in a subclass. If there’s a lot of wastage when cutting out Hexagons then maybe the cost needs to be increased for that shape, but it’s certainly not the expected behaviour.


Using abstract classes can help solve the issue of related classes that differ in parts of their implementation and need to be used interchangeably. Abstract classes with abstract methods can explicitly mark methods that need to be implemented by subclasses, making it easier for developers to know which methods to override and reducing the risk of making mistakes.

Additionally, the use of abstract classes can help detect problems before runtime (in production!) using mypy. The shared base classes and polymorphism that result from the use of abstract classes allow for more streamlined code and reduced code for type checking.

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